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2024 MBO Registration

What’s Included w/ Registration

You will choose your specific Ride Package when you register. Each ride package is designed for various levels of riding difficulty, so familiarize yourself with each package and make your selection carefully.

  • Each of the 6 different Ride Package tickets includes 3 days of shuttled rides supported by MBO’s notorious guide crews
  • Additional Friday & Saturday afternoon shuttles
  • Camping on-site, along the banks of the beautiful Willamette River. Ample room for RVs, campers, sprinter van, cars, and tents. Porta potties dot the camping area. No electric or water hookups, please pack out your garbage.
  • Free Hydro Flask cooler cup with MBO logo to use during the festival & take home with you
  • Hot breakfast & coffee each morning
  • Bagged lunch each day
  • Free bike demos (based on availability)
  • Post-ride happy hour parties
  • All-inclusive nightly adult beverage garden (21+) serving Oregon’s finest beer, wine, cider, and kombucha
  • Vendor area with many bike related companies on-site showcasing their products & opportunities to demo mountain bikes
  • Nightly fun and games, including the famous mini bike race and music
  • On-site food carts in the Hydration Garden to purchase your dinner. Participants pay food carts directly


If a package does not fill to capacity before the event, MBO reserves the right to modify or combine ride packages.  We will contact you and discuss options. 

We cannot guarantee the opportunity to switch your Ride Package choice before or during MBO.

  • Beginner and Intermediate-Advanced camps include 2 days of skills camp (Friday and Saturday)
    • The Beginner Camp is two days only and does not include trail time due to Oakridge trails starting at intermediate level
  • Intermediate-Advanced camp also includes:
    • Sunday’s shuttled celebratory ride with camp participants and coaches
    • Friday & Saturday afternoon shuttles, available to all MBO riding participants (except Beginner camp participants)
  • Daily morning yoga
  • 80 acres to camp along the Willamette River; Primitive camping with no electrical hookups; Ample room for RVs, campers, sprinter vans, cars, and tents
  • Hot breakfast and coffee each morning
  • Bagged lunch each day
  • Free bike demos (based on availability)
  • Post-ride happy hour parties, including exclusive Ladies Happy Hour
  • All-inclusive nightly adult beverage garden (21+) serving Oregon’s finest beer, wine, cider, and kombucha
  • Vendor area with many bike companies on-site showcasing their products & opportunities to demo mountain bikes
  • Nightly fun and games, including the famous mini bike race and music
  • Dinner access to a variety of on-site food carts in the Hydration Garden; Participants pay food carts directly

Beginner Clinic: $475/pp
Intermediate-Advanced Clinic: $625

  • 3-Day Skill Camps:
    • Junior Air Bag Camp (5-9yrs) – 3 days of onsite skills, airbags, and games
    • Junior Singletrack Camp (10-15yrs) – Friday: Skills Camp, Saturday & Sunday: Skills in the morning, shuttle singletrack trail ride following
  • Daily Youth Camp activities from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
  • 80 acres to camp along the banks of the Willamette River; Primitive camping with no electrical hookups; Ample room for RVs, campers, sprinter vans, cars, and tents
  • Hot breakfast and coffee each morning
  • Bagged lunch each day
  • Vendor area with many bike companies on-site showcasing their products
  • Nightly fun and games, including the famous mini bike race and music
  • Access to the all-inclusive nightly beverage garden until 8 p.m. for youth participants under 21
  • Dinner access to a variety of on-site food carts in the Hydration Garden; Participants pay food carts directly


  • Camping on-site, along the banks of the beautiful Willamette River. Ample room for RVs, campers, sprinter van, cars, and tents. Porta potties dot the camping area. No electric or water hookups, please pack out your garbage.
  • Free Hydro Flask cooler cup with MBO logo to use during the festival & take home with you
  • Hot breakfast & coffee each morning
  • Bagged lunch each day
  • Happy hour parties
  • All-inclusive nightly adult beverage garden (21+) serving Oregon’s finest beer, wine, cider, and kombucha (21 & over after 8pm)
  • Vendor area with many bike related companies on-site showcasing their products
  • Nightly fun and games, including the famous mini bike race and music
  • On-site food carts in the Hydration Garden to purchase your dinner. Participants pay food carts directly
  • Not included: Any shuttled rides, both morning Ride Packages or afternoon shuttles

21 & over: $225
Under 21: $125

Final Important Details

  • Still have questions? Please read our FAQ page for answers.
  • COVID-19 We follow all OR State & Lane County Guidelines for COVID. Read our current COVID-19 Protocols.
  • Each registering participant will need to have read & agreed to our event waiver to finalize their registration.