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Women working on mountain biking skills

Women’s MTB Skills Camp w/ Ladies AllRide

Back Again for ’25!: MBO’s skills camps will be brought to you by Ladies AllRide! Since 2010 Ladies AllRide has been inspiring women to face fears, gain skills, and have fun on mountain bikes! There is something for everyone, and our camps will help women connect deeper with their bikes, themselves, the MTB lifestyle, and each other. 

MBO & Ladies AllRide progression-focused instruction will teach you a range of skills & techniques to improve your overall riding confidence. Lessons will be broken into two camps, one for beginner/new riders and a separate clinic for intermediate to advanced riders.

Skills Camp Schedule:

  • Thursday evening, 5:00 – 6:00 PM: Evening Ladies Skills Camp meet & greet for all camp participants.
  • Friday & Saturday:
    • Beginner Riders: Friday & Saturday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
      • Friday & Saturday morning skills instruction sessions on-site at MBO festival grounds.
      • The beginner clinic is a 2-day camp.
    • Intermediate to Advanced Riders: Friday & Saturday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
      • Morning skills instructions followed by instructional trail-side riding on fun intermediate and up level Oakridge singletrack.
      • Instruction will be broken into groups specific to your riding abilities.
  • Saturday, 4:00 PM: Ladies wine & cheese happy hour with Showers Pass
  • Sunday, 8:15 AM – 12:00 PM
    • Intermediate to Advanced Riders: Celebratory on-trail, guided ride including a shuttle. Today’s ride is fun, flowy singletrack to put your new skills to the dirt.
  • All Clinic Participants:
    • Daily morning stretching.
    • Daily opportunities to demo high-end bikes that you can use during the clinic!


“The Ladies AllRide women’s clinic offered the most empowering, thoughtful, and masterful experience I’ve ever had in an athletic space.”

– 2024 MBO ladies skill camp participant

Skills Camp Details

The Ladies AllRide Skills Camps are progression-focused. Your coaches will provide a range of techniques to improve your overall riding confidence to take your riding to the next level.

  • Space is limited to:
    • Beginner camp: 14 ladies.
    • Intermediate to Advanced camp: 35 ladies.
  • We will have 7 coaches and additional skilled helpers, all with many years of experience.
    • Our head coaches are Lindsey Richter and Erika Schmid, both whom are long-time certified Professional Mountain Bike Instructors (PMBI).
  • This is a no-drop event, it is about progression, not perfection – we are only here to have fun!

Participant Skill Level

  • Our awesome skill camp is geared for all people who identify as women or non-gender conforming who have been riding singletrack for at least one season.
  • Ladies Skills camps are available for two different riding levels:
    • Beginner specific skills: Friday & Saturday mornings of instruction.
    • Intermediate – Advanced riders: Friday & Saturday mornings of instruction (broken up into different ability levels), afternoon & Sunday on-trail rides.

Skill Camps Includes

  • 80 acres to camp along the banks of the beautiful Willamette River. Primitive camping w/ no hook ups. Room for RV’s, campers, Sprinter Vans, cars, and tents.
  • Hot breakfast & coffee and a bagged lunch Fri-Sunday.
  • FREE! Bike demos (based on availability).
  • Post-ride happy hour parties including the exclusive Ladies Happy Hour!
  • ALL INCLUSIVE nightly adult beverage garden (21 & over after 8pm) that serves Oregon beer, wine, cider, & kombucha.
  • Vendor area with many bike companies present showcasing their products.
  • Nightly fun and games, including the famous mini bike race & music.
  • Intermediate to Advanced Camps only: Friday & Saturday afternoon shuttles.
    • These shuttles are for MBO Ride Package & 3-Day skill camp participants and won’t have a teaching component. Note: Trails are intermediate level and up. In most cases, not comfortable for beginner riders.

Skills Clinic techniques

Frequently Asked Questions

While we do encourage riders to learn at their individual skill level, we often receive this request and are happy to accommodate when possible.

After you register, and closer to the event, you can expect to receive a questionnaire that will help us to understand what skill level you are at, and to prepare more relevant skills instruction tailored for you.

Yes. You will learn how to change your thoughts from negative, fear-based thoughts to positive thoughts that keep the wheels moving forward. Whether you are new to mountain biking or an experienced intermediate rider, we will start by reviewing the basics and progress into more focused skills instruction. Progression-focused, we will provide a range of techniques to improve your overall riding confidence!

We recommend you bring a mountain bike that fits you, that you feel comfortable with – AND that has been recently serviced, confirming brakes and all components are in working and safe condition. We always have a demo bikes available from our vendors – pending availability. 

Not wanting to bring your own bike? You can rent from the Oakridge Bike Shop AND Westfir Lodge (3 minute walk from MBO festival grounds)

We request no ebikes for the camp, unless necessary.

We recommend you bring a trail (open-face) helmet for the skill sessions, and the ride on day 1. For the Sunday shuttle, you are welcome to wear either a full-face or your trail helmet – whichever you are more comfortable wearing. Remember – on the hot summer days, it will be very exhausting to wear a full-face in the skills session, please bring a trail helmet for this portion of the clinic.

Register Now for Mountain Bike Oregon