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MBO Vendor and Sponsor Registration

Mountain Bike Oregon (MBO), Oregon’s premier mountain bike festival in Oakridge, Oregon with a devoted following to all participating vendors & sponsors.

Set Up Day: June 26th, 2025
Festival Days: June 26-29, 2025

Authentic Brand Awareness

The festival grounds keep all aspects of MBO in one place creating an opportunity to connect with participants all hours of the day in a way that no other bike festival offers:

  • MBO participants are having the time of their lives, and your brand is then connected to that awesome feeling. Nothing else compares to this level of interaction!
  • Make real connections with your customers, see how they interact with your products, and hear their feedback both in your booth & by sharing the trails together.
  • For demo brands, riders will get the opportunity to take your gear out and test them on the trail for a genuine brand experience.
Booth Details  |  Sponsor a Ride Package  |  Vendor Schedule

Vendor Booth Details

Small Vendor Booth Details

More Details & Price
  • $525
  • 10ft×10ft booth space in Adult Beverage Garden/Expo area for afternoon & evening engagement.
  • One staff entry (more available for purchase).
  • Staff access to the entire festival
  • Festival grounds on-site camping for tents, RVs or vans
  • Daily breakfast & bagged lunch Fri-Sun. Evening adult beverage garden with complimentary beer, wine, cider & kombucha and food carts to purchase dinner Thur-Sat.
  • Business logo on the MBO website’s Exhibitors page
  • One vendor focus on MBO’s Facebook & Instagram pages plus additional opportunities depending how early you register your booth space.
  • Daily mountain bike shuttles, specific to expo vendors, on the best trails in Oregon (upgrade to sponsoring a Ride Package to ride with event participants)
Not Included
  • Additional staff tickets to the event, available to purchase (Max 2 additional staff in your booth)
  • No vehicle parking in your booth
  • Dinner (food carts on-site to purchase dinner)
  • Power: All booths must provide their own power (generator or solar)
  • Reception on the festival grounds, be prepared to take credit card payment while offline
Additional Staff Ticket Options
  • You must register for a vendor booth in order to purchase either ticket. Additional vendor tickets are ONLY for additional staff working in your booth. Staff are defined as people who work for you or your company and will be working in your booth.
  • $420 - Morning Vendor Shuttle staff pass - Full event access plus 3-days (Fri-Sun) of morning Vendor shuttles, returning to festival grounds by 2pm.
  • $250 - Non-Riding Vendor staff pass - Full event access except no shuttles.
  • Limit is an additional 2 per Small Vendor Booth.
  • Note: If you will need more staff tickets, please contact
Power, Booth Lights, and Internet
  • There is not power or internet in the beverage garden/vendor area. You are responsible for your own power and lighting needs.
  • We recommend generators or solar powered lights to illuminate your booth in the evening. Generators must be turned off between 10pm-7am.
  • There is limited cell service in the MBO Festival grounds and NO internet or Wi-Fi available. If you are taking credit cards, you will need to be prepared to be offline.
  • It can be very windy in the afternoons. Please come prepared w/ stakes, weights, sand, etc., to secure your Vendor tent
Security and Insurance
  • Mountain Bike Oregon is not liable for any incidents related to vendor products at this event. You are responsible for securing and locking your booth. Security will be provided, but items must be secured within reason.
  • Vendors are required to have general liability insurance – and include Mountain Bike Oregon as insured in your certificate of insurance (COI). You will need to mail your COI to MBO before the event (details will be sent to you after registration).
Donating Product for Friday Night Raffle
  • We request all vendors at MBO bring product to be included in the Friday night raffle.
  • For bigger (higher value) items, please email images ahead of time, we’ll create a special Facebook & Instagram post highlighting your donation!
  • Bring donations with you to the event, we will come by your booth on Friday to scoop them up!

Large Vendor Booth Details

More Details & Price
  • $725
  • 20ft×20ft booth space in the Adult Beverage Garden/Expo area for afternoon & evening engagement.
  • Branded vehicle parking in your booth.
  • Two staff entries (more available for purchase).
  • Staff access to the entire festival
  • Festival grounds on-site camping for tents, RVs or vans
  • Daily breakfast & bagged lunch Fri-Sun. Evening adult beverage garden with complimentary beer, wine, cider & kombucha and food carts to purchase dinner Thur-Sat.
  • Business logo on the MBO website’s Exhibitors page
  • One vendor focus on MBO’s Facebook & Instagram pages plus additional social media opportunities depending how early you register your booth space.
  • Daily mountain bike shuttles, specific to expo vendors, on the best trails in Oregon (upgrade to sponsoring a Ride Package to ride with event participants
Not Included
  • Additional staff tickets to the event, available to purchase (Max 2 additional staff in your booth)
  • Dinner (food carts on-site to purchase dinner)
  • Power: All booths must provide their own power (generator or solar)
  • Reception on the festival grounds, be prepared to take credit card payment while offline
Additional Staff Ticket Options
  • You must register for a vendor booth in order to purchase either ticket. Additional vendor tickets are ONLY for additional staff working in your booth. Staff are defined as people who work for you or your company and will be working in your booth.
  • $420 - Morning Vendor Shuttle staff pass - Full event access plus 3-days (Fri-Sun) of morning Vendor shuttles, returning to festival grounds by 2pm.
  • $250 - Non-Riding Vendor staff pass - Full event access except no shuttles.
  • Limit is an additional 2 per Large Vendor Booth.
  • Note: If you will need more staff tickets, please contact
Power, Booth Lights, and Internet
  • There is not power or internet in the beverage garden/vendor area. You are responsible for your own power and lighting needs.
  • We recommend generators or solar powered lights to illuminate your booth in the evening. Generators must be turned off between 10pm-7am.
  • There is limited cell service in the MBO Festival grounds and NO internet or Wi-Fi available. If you are taking credit cards, you will need to be prepared to be offline.
  • It can be very windy in the afternoons. Please come prepared w/ stakes, weights, sand, etc., to secure your Vendor tent
Security and Insurance
  • Mountain Bike Oregon is not liable for any incidents related to vendor products at this event. You are responsible for securing and locking your booth. Security will be provided, but items must be secured within reason.
  • Vendors are required to have general liability insurance – and include Mountain Bike Oregon as insured in your certificate of insurance (COI). You will need to mail your COI to MBO before the event (details will be sent to you after registration).
Donating Product for Friday Night Raffle
  • We request all vendors at MBO bring product to be included in the Friday night raffle.
  • For bigger (higher value) items, please email images ahead of time, we’ll create a special Facebook & Instagram post highlighting your donation!
  • Bring donations with you to the event, we will come by your booth on Friday to scoop them up!

Bike Demo Booth Details

More Details & Price
  • $725
  • 20ft×20ft booth space in the Adult Beverage Garden/Expo area for afternoon & evening engagement.
  • Branded vehicle parking in your booth.
  • Two staff entries (more available for purchase).
  • Staff access to the entire festival
  • Festival grounds on-site camping for tents, RVs or vans
  • Daily breakfast & bagged lunch Fri-Sun. Evening adult beverage garden with complimentary beer, wine, cider & kombucha and food carts to purchase dinner Thur-Sat.
  • Business logo on the MBO website’s Exhibitors page
  • One vendor focus on MBO’s Facebook & Instagram pages plus additional social media opportunities depending how early you register your booth space.
  • Daily mountain bike shuttles, specific to demo bike vendors, on the best trails in Oregon (upgrade to sponsoring a Ride Package to ride with event participants
Not Included
  • Additional staff tickets to the event, available to purchase (Max 2 additional staff in your booth)
  • Dinner (food carts on-site to purchase dinner)
  • Power: All booths must provide their own power (generator or solar)
  • Reception on the festival grounds, be prepared to take credit card payment while offline
Additional Staff Ticket Options
  • You must register for a vendor booth in order to purchase either ticket. Additional vendor tickets are ONLY for additional staff working in your booth. Staff are defined as people who work for you or your company and will be working in your booth.
  • $420 - Morning Vendor Shuttle staff pass - Full event access plus 3-days (Fri-Sun) of morning Vendor shuttles, returning to festival grounds by 2pm.
  • $250 - Non-Riding Vendor staff pass - Full event access except no shuttles.
  • Limit is an additional 2 per Bike Demo Vendor Booth.
  • Note: If you will need more staff tickets, please contact
Ebike Demos
  • Ebikes demos are allowed at MBO, but not all trails allow them. We will provide you with breakdowns with what trails are NO ebikes, so riders do not demo ebikes for no ebike trails.
  • See the next section for charging your ebikes.
Power, Booth Lights, and Internet
  • There is not power or internet in the beverage garden/vendor area. You are responsible for your own power and lighting needs.
  • We recommend generators or solar powered lights to illuminate your booth in the evening. Generators must be turned off between 10pm-7am.
  • There is limited cell service in the MBO Festival grounds and NO internet or Wi-Fi available. If you are taking credit cards, you will need to be prepared to be offline.
  • It can be very windy in the afternoons. Please come prepared w/ stakes, weights, sand, etc., to secure your Vendor tent
Security and Insurance
  • Bike Demo companies are required to provide their own waivers.
  • Mountain Bike Oregon is not liable for any incidents related to vendor products at this event. You are responsible for securing and locking your booth. Security will be provided, but items must be secured within reason.
  • Vendors are required to have general liability insurance – and include Mountain Bike Oregon as insured in your certificate of insurance (COI). You will need to mail your COI to MBO before the event (details will be sent to you after registration).
Donating Product for Friday Night Raffle
  • We request all vendors at MBO bring product to be included in the Friday night raffle.
  • For bigger (higher value) items, please email images ahead of time, we’ll create a special Facebook & Instagram post highlighting your donation!
  • Bring donations with you to the event, we will come by your booth on Friday to scoop them up!

Sponsor a Ride Package

Deepen Your Connection With MBO Participants!
  • Your business name is added to your package name:
    • Ex. “Package #4 – Amped Up, brought to you by (your name).
  • Includes Large Expo or Bike Demo Booth Space:
    • Includes key placement in vendor area & all aspects of either booth space.
    • Full event access for 4 staff members (availability for more staff).
  • Additional advertising prior to the event:
    • Your ride package title on the MBO website “Ride Packages” page.
    • Your ride package title on the event registration page, in confirmation emails, & in all Facebook & Instagram references to your package.
  • Exclusive access to all riders in your package (approx. 45 people):
    • 4 of your staff join your Ride Package, and interact with your participants daily.
    • Host a Happy Hour for your ride participants on Saturday afternoon, a great way to mingle participants with your product.
    • You can hand out special gear, swag, etc. for your riders in the shuttle rigs.
  • Beverage Service:
    • Coolers loaded on your bus for post-ride beverages (both alcoholic & N/A).
    • Happy party beverages at your booth party for your ride package participants.
  • Hotlink logo on the Vendor web page: Your logo linked to your website.
  • Special shout-outs throughout the event from the beverage garden MC specific to your company and products.
    • As a sponsor, you have the opportunity to include information or product in the goodie bags handed out to all participants at registration.

Mini Bike Race Sponsor

MBO’s famous evening activity!

An exclusive opportunity to highlight your brand on the MBO website and in-person in front of the biggest crowds that spectate this fun & hysterical mini bike race!

  • Includes Large Expo or Bike Demo Booth Space:
    • Includes key placement in either vendor area & all aspects of either booth space.
    • Full event access for 2 staff members (availability for more staff).
  •  Special branding with your company branded banners or fencing (provided by you) around mini bike race course:
    • Be the backdrop in videos and photos taken by our media and participants in the beverage garden & during the Mini Bike Race
  • Your Business Name Added to the Mini Bike Race:
    • Ex. “Mini Bike Race, brought to you by (your name).”
  • Special Shout-Outs Throughout the Mini Bike Race Event:
    • Share the mic w/ MBO Staff & help to MC the mini bike race and promote your brand.
  • Highlight Your Brand by Providing the Prizes for the Winners of the Races.
    • Normally 6-10 prizes.
    • Will be presented on stage prior to the races to allow everyone to check your products out!

Vendor Booth Details

Booth Sizes and Prices

  • $525 – Expo booth space small – approx. 10×10, one canopy, no display vehicle parking in your booth.
    • One staff entry (more available for purchase). Includes on-site camping, breakfast & lunch (food carts on-site for dinner), VIP shuttles Fri-Sun, and evenings in the beer garden with complimentary beverages.
    • Placement in Adult Beverage Garden for afternoon & evening engagement, one staff entry (more staff entry available).
    • Power: All booths must provide their own power (generator or solar).
  • $725 – Large expo booth space – approx. 20×40, two or more canopies, includes branded vehicle in the booth.
    • 2 staff entry (more available for purchase). Includes on-site camping, breakfast & lunch (food carts on-site for dinner), VIP shuttles Fri-Sun, and evenings in the beer garden with complimentary beverages.
    • Placement in Adult Beverage Garden for afternoon & evening engagement.
    • Power: All booths must provide their own power (generator or solar).
  • $725 – Bike Demo booth space – approx. 20×40, two or more canopies, includes branded vehicle in booth.
    • 2 staff entry (more availablemore available for purchase). Includes on-site camping, breakfast & lunch (food carts on-site for dinner), VIP shuttles Fri-Sun, and evenings in the beer garden with complimentary beverages.
    • Placement in Bike Demo Arena.
    • Power: All booths must provide their own power (generator or solar).
  • $2100 – Sponsor a Ride Package – Take your connection with participants to the next level. This sponsorship includes everything in a Large expo or Bike Demo booth space PLUS everything listed in the sponsorship details.
  • Additional Staff ticket – $420 – You must register for a vendor booth in order to purchase this ticket. This is for additional staff needed in your booth.
    • Limit is 2 additional staff per booth vendor, 3 per sponsor. Includes on-site camping, breakfast & lunch (food carts on-site for dinner), VIP shuttles Fri-Sun, and evenings in the beer garden with complimentary beverages.
    • Up until April 2025, Vendors will only register their booth. Starting May 1st, 2025, vendors can also add their additional staff members. We will contact vendors already registered to do this as well.
    • Note: If you will need more staff tickets, please contact

Important Details for All Booths

Product Donations for Raffle

  • Please plan to donate product for MBO’s famous Friday night raffle. If you send us images, we will happily post images of your donations ahead of time on both MBO’s Facebook & Instagram pages!
  • Bring product donations with you to the event but email professional (or easy to view the items) images ahead of time to be used on MBO’s social media sent to

Vendor Promotion

  • All booth spaces are included on festival website (if registered by June 1st).

Security and Insurance

  • Mountain Bike Oregon is not liable for any incidents related to vendor products at this event. You are responsible for securing and locking your booth. Security will be provided, but items must be secured within reason.
  • Vendors are required to have general liability insurance – and include Mountain Bike Oregon as insured in your certificate of insurance. You will need to mail proof to MBO before the event.
  • Details will be included in your confirmation email after registration.
  • Demo companies are required to provide their own waivers.

Power, Lighting, and Internet

  • Vendors are responsible for their own power and lighting needs.  Please bring a generator or solar powered lights to illuminate your booth in the evening.
  • There is limited cell service in the MBO Festival grounds and NO internet or Wi-Fi available. If you are taking credit cards, you will need to be prepared to be offline.
  • It tends to get windy in the afternoons.  Please bring weights, sand bags, water buckets, etc., to stake your booth down.

Additional Vendor & Sponsor Staff Ticket Options

  • Additional Staff ticket $420 – You must register for a vendor booth in order to purchase this ticket. This is for additional staff needed in your booth.
  • Limit is an additional 2 per booth vendor, 3 per sponsor.
  • Up until April 2025, Vendors will only register their booth. Starting May 1st, 2025, vendors can also add their additional staff members. We will contact vendors already registered to do this as well.
  • Note: If you will need more staff tickets, please contact

All Vendors Thursday Arrival & Set-Up Hours

  • Thursday, June 26 Vendor Check-In opens at 10AM, please arrive before 5PM.
  • Please go to Vendor Registration as your first stop when you arrive at MBO.
  • If you will be arriving earlier than 10AM or want to arrive on Wednesday, please reach out and let us know in advance.


Vendor Mtn Bike Shuttle Details

Vendor Booth Shuttles – Returning no later than 1/2PM:

Friday: 8am leave time for Alpine Trail
Saturday: 10am leave time for Dead Salmon
Sunday: 9am leave time for Heckletooth 🚫

Bike Demo Shuttles: 11:00AM leave time – Returning no later than 2/3PM

Friday: Heckletooth 🚫
Saturday: Dead Salmon
Sunday: Alpine Trail

Details for both Vendor shuttles:

  • All trails in Oakridge are for intermediate to advanced riders. Please take a look at the trail descriptions to learn more.
  • The vendor shuttled rides will include MBO guides.

Note: Friday-Sunday participant shuttles leave between 7:30 – 10:30 AM and return between 2:00 – 4:00 PM.

Expo Vendor Booth Suggested Hours

The expo area booths are more popular in the afternoon and evenings, especially when the Adult Beverage Garden and Food Cart area is open from 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM.

  • Thursday: Expo 4:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Friday: 4:00 – 10:00 PM
  • Saturday: 4:00 – 10:00 PM

Bike Demo Booth Suggested Hours

Demo bike companies get a lot of morning traffic to pick up bikes, and afternoon traffic to return bikes, ask questions, and reserve bikes for the following days.

  • Thursday: If you are taking reservations, please be open in the afternoon and early evening
  • Friday: 6:30 – 10:30 AM, 3:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Saturday: 6:30 – 10:30 AM, 3:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Sunday: 6:30 – 10:00 AM, 1:00 – 3:00 PM

Morning times are normally for Bike Demo booths only, but depending on your product, expo booths can be open.

Register Your Booth Today

Register Now for Mountain Bike Oregon